Monday, February 22, 2010


Dear Readers,

You can call me Kash for all 'terms and purposes'. I watch movies to kill time. Time which is available to me after work and frankly its quite much. I live on Earth and work in a cubicle. So, you can picture me a boring guy, which I am and that explains why I spend my time watching movies instead of sports and friends. Well, a boring person like me does not deserve such a long introduction. lets cut it short by explaining why I am here.

I was watching a movie...again. It was called "Julie and Julia" starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. Amy Adams character (Julie) is so much like me except that she is a woman, married, and she loves to cook. I am a guy, unmarried, and no love affair with cooking either.

Okay, what's the variable?

Let me count what parts of my personality I share with Julie. I am terrible with commitments (that again explains why I don't get to spend time with my friends), I lack a quantifiable purpose in my life, I cannot finish what I set out to do (so I suffer from this constant sense of emptiness, hollowness in my life), might even be suffering with ADD ( I took an online test and results indicate that I do have ADD symptoms), and I work in a cubicle.

Why am I here?

Like Julie, I want to do something, anything (by the way I am an intelligent person and had a good education). In a classic lazy act, I am borrowing Julie's idea to write a blog.

The blog will be about Stephenie Meyer's incomplete book 'Midnight Sun' which is Edward's account of her 4 Twilight series books. Some miserable guy leaked the partially written text of the book on the internet and Stephenie is too upset to be bothered to complete it.

'Twilight' books and movies were unknown to me till November last year when the 'New Moon' the movie got released and I read the news on Yahoo that people are going crazy over it and there's no nudity/sexuality in the movie despite it being a teenager story. I was really surprised. As I read more about it I found out about the first Twilight movie 'Twilight', about Kristen Stewart and her new fame. Gosh! You guys wont believe me that I many times came across the Twilight poster on the internet but never bothered myself. I thought it must be another stupid vampire thriller. Huh.

But man, I homed in on the books and movies like a guided missile and finished reading all four books and watching all two movies in just two weeks. When I was done with that I became very restless and started feeling like I knew these book and movie characters like they are for real (actually I am very old for this infatuation. I left my teenage long ago.). I missed them like my loved ones have left me or something.

I started to find out everything about Twilight, about the author, the movie actors (this led me to watch previous movies of Kristen Stewart. Movies again). That's how I came to know about Midnight Sun and shamefully I must admit that I read the screenplay of the next movie 'Eclipse'. I learned about it through my Google Alerts (yes, I made a Google Alert about Twilight) that the Eclipse screenplay is leaked on the internet and I found from

I think what attracts me to Twilight is the honesty and simplicity of Bella. She is everything I would want myself to be. She is committed to her relationships, she takes care about people in her life, she is selfless, and she loves irrelevant of consequences. She is so mature and I was so stupid when I was her age.

I specially likes relationship between Bella and her father Charlie. I read and reread the opening chapter of Eclipse where Bella and Charlie talks over Dinner where Charlie offers Bella conditional parole from being grounded with request to go see Jacob. That's the longest conversation both Bella and Charlie has in all four books. I also keeps reading the New Moon part when Alice visits the Swans to check if Bella is alive and the next morning Charlie relates to Alice the misery of Bella after Cullens had left Forks. I love to know and enjoy knowing how much Charlie cares about Bella and again how Bella worries about Charlie, his loneliness, about his health comparing his age with Harry Clearwater's who dies of a heart attack, his inability to cook for himself. Man, I would love to have daughter as caring as Bella.

Dear Stephenie, thank you for introducing the Swans, the Cullens and the Forks folks to the rest of the world and for telling this story of love and selflessness. But, its harder to live knowing that I might never know the facts as Edward sees it. The partial story I read in the Midnight Sun is more wonderful than Bella's account.

I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I have so much imagination. I don't know if my commitment is strong enough. I am scared to pollute Edward's sacred story. But I will try to tell Edward's story because I cannot live not knowing him. Not knowing what goes on in his mind. Not knowing what he is thinking when Bella asks him to stay with her in the battle instead of fighting with his family. How he decides to leave Bella for her good in New Moon? What is Charlie thinking when Edward visits Bella every evening when she is grounded?

Please forgive my trespassing, Stephenie. I will try to write as honestly as possible and I am not after credit I just want to live a bit longer with Twilight characters. I will start Midnight Sun from where you stopped: Edward's turn to ask Bella questions. Whenever you decide to write Midnight Sun again, I promise you I will stop then. You are better than me any day.

Bye for now. 'I'll be back' with new posts here on my blog adding paragraphs to Edward's account of Twilight Saga.

Midnight Sun Project is dedicated to Stephenie Meyer. She is the original creator and author of Twilight series books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and Midnight Sun).

Let Edward ask questions to Bella. Bye.